پاورپوینت درس ششم زبان انگلیسی پایه نهم Health and lnjuries

پاورپوینت درس ششم زبان انگلیسی پایه نهم Health and lnjuries

پاورپوینت درس ششم زبان انگلیسی پایه نهم Health and lnjuries

      نوع فایل: power point فرمت فایل: ppt and pptx قابل ویرایش 30 اسلاید   قسمتی از متن: Lesson 6Health and Injuries Lesson 6: Health and Injuries Conversation Listen to the conversation between two friends. Reza: We plan to go to the lake. Do you want to come?Ehsan: I don’t think so. I don’t like school trips. Last summer I fell and broke my leg.Reza: It sometimes happens. I twisted my ankle last winter. I stayed home for two weeks!Ehsan: That’s too bad! I didn’t know that.Reza: Yeah…, but after that, I participated inHelal-e-Ahmar first aid classes. I learned how to take care of myself.Ehsan: I like that. Can you give me some advice?Reza: Sure! Practice 1:Talking about Health and...